2025年染色体异常在重庆市妇幼 做三代试管生孩子的步骤有哪些?流程是怎么样的

科普知识 · 2025-02-02 04:22:01 · 0人浏览

重庆市妇幼 是重庆市规模最大、技术实力最强的综合性三级甲等医院,拥有百年历史,致力于为患者提供优质的医疗服务。

chromosomal abnormalities can have a significant impact on reproductive health, often leading to infertility or miscarriage. For couples facing such challenges, third-generation in vitro fertilization (IVF) offers a promising solution. This advanced technology allows for the screening and selection of embryos free from genetic defects, significantly increasing the chances of a healthy pregnancy.

If you are considering undergoing three-generation IVF at Chongqing Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital, here's a comprehensive guide to the process and what you can expect:

Procedure Overview

The journey of undergoing three-generation IVF begins with a thorough consultation with your fertility specialist. During this initial meeting, they will discuss your medical history, perform a physical examination, and order necessary tests to assess your overall reproductive health and identify any underlying conditions.

Once your baseline evaluation is complete, your doctor will develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. This plan may involve medications to stimulate egg production, monitoring through ultrasounds and blood tests, and finally, the retrieval of mature eggs from your ovaries.

Your partner or a sperm donor will provide sperm samples which will be used to fertilize the retrieved eggs in a laboratory setting. Embryos resulting from this process are then carefully assessed for chromosomal abnormalities using preimplantation genetic testing (PGT). This advanced technology allows for the identification of specific genetic conditions before implantation.

Only embryos deemed genetically healthy will be selected for transfer into your uterus, significantly reducing the risk of carrying a pregnancy affected by chromosomal disorders.

Embryo Transfer and Post-Transfer Care

The embryo transfer procedure is typically performed a few days after fertilization. During this minimally invasive procedure, a thin catheter is used to guide healthy embryos into your uterus. This process usually takes only a few minutes and doesn't require anesthesia.

Following the transfer, you will be given specific instructions for post-transfer care, which may include rest, hydration, and avoiding strenuous activities. You will also need to undergo blood tests to confirm pregnancy about two weeks after the transfer.

Post-Pregnancy Care and Follow-Up

If your pregnancy is successful, you will receive comprehensive prenatal care throughout your pregnancy. This includes regular checkups, ultrasounds, and other necessary tests to ensure the health of both you an怀our developing baby.

After delivery, follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor your recovery and the well-being of your newborn.

Chongqing Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital

Hospital Advantages

The Chongqing Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital is renowned for its expertise in reproductive medicine, offering a comprehensive range of fertility treatments, including three-generation IVF. The hospital boasts a team of highly skilled fertility specialists, embryologists, and nurses who are dedicated to providing compassionate and individualized care.

Success Rates

The success rates for three-generation IVF at Chongqing Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital are comparable to national averages, with approximately 60% of patients achieving a successful pregnancy.


The cost of undergoing three-generation IVF at Chongqing Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital is typically around 150,000 yuan.


Choosing the right fertility clinic is a crucial decision. Do your research, read reviews, and consult with multiple clinics before making a choice.

Be open and honest with your doctor about your medical history and concerns. This will help them create a personalized treatment plan that best suits your needs.





















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