作者:全民健康网 时间:2025-01-16 浏览:103
In recent years, the number of people with infertility has increased day by day, and there have been strong calls for assisted reproductive technologies, including in vitro fertilization, to be included in medical insurance reimbursement.自从实施三个孩子政策以来,在许多地方都强烈介绍了生育支持政策。其中,医疗保险对分娩的支持是重要的部分。
According to the recently released "Notice of the Zhejiang Provincial Medical Security Bureau on Supporting "Zhejiang Provincial Good Education" to Promote Prenatal and Postnatal Education (Draft for Comments)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"), it is planned to increase 0-6岁的婴儿的医疗保险报销比例。 0-6岁婴幼儿基本医疗保险报销比例比普通城乡居民高10%左右。
Dong, a population expert and director of the Guangdong Provincial Population Development Research Institute, analyzed CBN and included labor analgesia, fetal serial examinations and other diagnostic and treatment items into the scope of maternity insurance payment, further expanding the scope of maternity insurance payment and providing pregnant women with reproductive health and healthy babies. It provides more practical support and technical guarantee, further demonstrating its respect for individual life, concern for the pregnancy and delivery process, and care for the health of pregnant women and fetuses.
Previously, in March, the Jiangxi Provincial Medical Security Bureau officially issued the "Notice on Adjusting the Categories of Medical Insurance Payment for Postoperative Analgesia and Other Medical Services." Starting from March 8, Jiangxi will include "painless delivery" in the scope of reimbursement, which can be settled directly with medical insurance cards.
On the other hand, in recent years, the number of people with infertility has increased day by day, and there are strong calls for assisted reproductive technologies, including in vitro fertilization, to be included in medical insurance reimbursement. The notice issued by Zhejiang proposes to formulate the prices of assisted reproductive medical services related to infertility treatment such as artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization and include them in the payment scope of maternity insurance in a timely manner in accordance with relevant national regulations.
近年来,我国不孕不育患者数量有所增加,但辅助生殖治疗技术价格昂贵。来自广州的张女士去年通过助孕受精生下了多胎 ,她表示,传统试管婴儿技术每个周期的费用约为3万元。如果还有其他问题,需要调整等等,或者失败一次需要重新开始,成本就更大了。我身边很多朋友的消费都在10万以上。
This year, Ms. Xie from Fujian also gave birth to twins through in vitro fertilization. Previously, she went to Hunan, Beijing and other places to seek medical treatment, which lasted about seven years and cost 300,000 yuan.
在广州工作的朱女士表示,现在很多人都通过助孕受精的方式分娩,她身边这样的例子也不少。 "In the past, I was told to do in vitro fertilization, but now it is very common. Our group has a very strong desire to have children, and medical insurance reimbursement is our biggest support."
今年2月,北京市医保局会同市卫生健康委、市人力资源社会保障局下发《关于规范调整部分医疗服务价格项目的通知》(京医报发[2025]号) 7)、规范和调整公立医疗机构实行的价格项目。医疗服务价格项目63项,其中助孕受精、胚胎培养等辅助生殖技术项目53项。在规范医疗服务价格的同时,将门诊常见的宫内人工授精、胚胎移植、公细胞优化治疗等16项辅助生殖技术纳入甲级医保报销范围。它们涉及人数多、诊断和治疗必需、技术成熟、安全可靠。