哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院简介 哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院创建于1954年,是集医疗、教学、科研、预防、保健和康复为一体的大型综合性正规甲等医院。 医院占地面积50万平方米,建筑面积51万平方米,拥有1个门诊部、7个住院部及4所“院中院”—— 风湿病医院、心血管病医院、五官医院、干部保健医院。全院职工3603人,其中卫生技术人员3052名,正、副高职767人,博士生导师57人,硕士生导师294人,享受国务院特殊津贴18人,“龙江学者”2人、“杰出青年基金”获得者1人、“教育部新世纪人才”1人;通达床位3100张,年出院病人11万余人次,年手术例数5万余人次,年门诊量超过120万余人次。医院设有44个临床科室、13个医技科室;拥有新药临床实验研究中心、药品临床研究机构、省部共建教育部心肌缺血和诊疗技术核心实验室、黑龙江省器官移植中心、产前诊断与遗传病诊断中心、血液净化中心、风湿病研究所、心血管外科研究所、黑龙江省麻痹与危重病学核心实验室、黑龙江省高校药物研究核心实验室、麻痹基础理论与应用核心实验室、哈尔滨医科大学血液病研究所、药学药物研究所、呼吸病研究所、生殖内分泌医学中心。医院拥有伽玛刀、X刀、3.0TMRI、64排螺旋CT、DSA、ECT等先进医疗设备。 医院坚持开展高、精、尖医疗新技术,成功地完成心脏移植、肺移植、肝脏移植、脾脏移植、肾脏移植、睾丸移植、心肺联合移植、胰肾联合移植、甲状腺-甲状旁腺-胸腺联合移植、角膜移植、骨髓移植等移植工作,使我院在器官移植种类、技术和质量等方面都居国内率先地位。“换心人”杨玉民术后生存18年半,创造了心脏移植术后生命质量、生存时间较长的亚洲记录。心脏移植课题组在2002年荣获科技进步二等奖。肝脏移植病人也已健康存活14年。2006年成功完成全主动脉置换手术,成为国内能够开展此项技术的两家医院之一。医院以“病员至上,细心医护”为院训,重视医德医风建设,开展“以病人为中心”的整体护理工作,满足、方便了不同层次患者的医疗、保健、康复需求。2001年4月,哈尔滨医科大学护理学院在我院成立,同年5月,我院护理部李秋洁主任荣获“第38届国际南丁格尔奖”。获“2010年专业护理服务考核医院”。 作为哈尔滨医科大学临床医学院,医院拥有二级学科博士点19个、正规学科博士点32个,临床医学博士后科研流动站和临床药学博士后科研工作站各1个, 专科医师培训基地31个;拥有临床核心专科4个、核心(培育)学科1个、省级核心学科11个、省特聘教授岗位学科8个;获精品课程4门、特色专业2个、教学成果2项;承担博士生、硕士生、七年制、本科生等多层次、多轨道临床教学任务。医院拥有5200平方米自立的教学大楼,有多媒体教室、语音教室、网络教室。医院投巨资创建临床模拟教学中心,购买模拟教学模型,培训标准化病人,广泛应用于临床教学,于2009年获批建设临床实验教学示范中心。医院拥有1.4万平方米本、专科学生公寓,1.6万平方米的研究生公寓。 医院重视科研工作,近年来获各级、各类课题共1060项,其中杰出基金1项、自然科学基金86项;获各级科技成果奖200项,其中成果奖1项,省部级成果奖104项。在各类期刊学会上发表学术论文7924篇,被SCI收录331篇;主动开展对外交流与协作,与美国匹兹堡大学、迈阿密大学、加拿大多伦多大学等26所大学与医学院有着广泛的联系,并开展了多项科研合作,10年来仅在美国匹兹堡大学培训医务人员已达100余人次。美国匹兹堡大学、迈阿密大学已成为我院国外培训的重要基地。 几年来,医院加强了内、外环境的改造。2008年新门诊大楼投入使用。2011年新建科教楼、干部病房楼、综合病房楼总计17万平方米将全部投入使用。实现了病房“宾馆化”、庭院“花园化”,为病人营造了一个温馨、舒服的就医环境。 专业的技术、专业的服务赢得了社会广泛赞誉。医院重视三下乡工作,义诊足迹遍布黑龙江省各个市县,2010年医院购置国内首辆“汽车医院”,将三下乡工作开展到社区、村镇。医院曾多次荣获国务院、劳动人事部、、省嘉奖;先后荣获“百佳医院”、“卫生系统先进集体”、“卫生系统行业作风建设先进集体”、“绿化四百佳单位”、十四部委授予“科技、文化、卫生‘三下乡’先进集体”、“五一劳动奖状”等光荣称号。 今天的哈医大二院已成为学科齐全、设备先进、技术精湛、环境优美的现代化医院和临床医学院。展望未来,我们将坚持“质量建院、创新立院、人才强院、科教兴院”的建院方针,坚持“以病人为中心,提高医疗服务质量,打造专科品牌特色,提升综合实力,保证医院可持续发展”的办院方向,为早日实现国内专业、国际有影响的医院而努力奋斗。 The Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University The Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University (HMUSAH) was founded in 1954. It is a large comprehensive Level-A hospital embracing clinical services, medical education, scientific research, disease prevention, healthcare and rehabilitation. The hospital occupies an area of 500,000 m2, with a construction area of 510,000 m2, including one outpatient building, seven inpatient buildings, and four subhospitals on its campus – Rheumatic Disease Hospital, Cardiovascular Disease Hospital, Cadre Hospital and ENT Hospital. There are 3,603 faculty and staff in the hospital, including 767 professors and associate professors, among whom are 57 PhD supervisors, 294 Master supervisors, 18 State Council Special Allowance receivers 2 Longjiang Scholars, one National Outstanding Youth Fund winner and one New Century Excellent Talents of Ministry of Education. It contains 3,100 beds, with more than 110,000 patients discharged from the hospital and more than one million patients visiting the outpatient department each year. HMUSAH is composed of 44 clinical departments and 13 technical departments. The affiliated institutions include National Research Center for Clinical Testing of New Drugs, National Base for Clinical Research on Drugs, Provincial-Ministerial Key Laboratory for Myocardial Ischemia and Its Diagnosis and Treatment under the Ministry of Education, Heilongjiang Provincial Organ Transplantation Center, Center for Prenatal and Genetic Disease Diagnosis, Dialysis Center, Institute for Rheumatic Diseases, Institute for Cardiovascular Surgery, Heilongjiang Provincial Key Laboratory for Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Heilongjiang Provincial Key Laboratory for Drug Research of Higher Education Institutions, Key Laboratory for the Basic Theory and Application of Anesthesiology, HMU Institute for Hematologic Diseases, Institute for Pharmacy and Medication, Institute for Respiratory Diseases and Center for Genecology and Endocrinology. HMUSAH is equipped with advanced medical facilities such as γ-Knife, X-Knife, 3.0TMRI, 64-slice Spiral CT, DSA, and ECT. The hospital utilizes the most advanced medical technologies for patient care. Various transplantations have been successfully performed such as heart transplantation, lung transplantation, liver transplantation, spleen transplantation, kidney transplantation, testicle transplantation, combined heart and lung transplantation, combined pancreas and kidney transplantation, combined thyroid-parathyroid-thymus transplantation, cornea transplantation and marrow transplantation. These successes have enabled the hospital to take a leading position in China in transplantation types, techniques and quality. Mr. Yumin Yang, a heart transplant recipient, has survived for 18.5 years by, with the best life quality and longest survival time in Asia. Thus the project team for heart transplantation was granted the Second Prize of National Award for Scientific and Technological Progress in 2002. A liver transplant recipient has also survived for more than 14 year so far. In 2006 the hospital successfully performed the Aortic Valve Replacement, which made the hospital one of the two in China capable of performing this operation. The hospital adheres to the motto “The Patients First and the Service Best” and emphasizes self-discipline in medical ethics and morality. The patient-centered holistic nursing caters for all patients of different economic levels, in all aspects including medical treatment, healthcare and rehabilitation. The nursing services at HMUSAH rank among the best in China. In April 2001, the Nursing School of HMU was founded in the hospital. In May of the same year, Ms. Qiujie Li, Director of the Nursing Administration, was awarded the 38th Florence Nightingale Medal. The hospital was certificated as “excellent nursing hospital” by Ministry of Health in 2010. As an important clinical teaching hospital of HMU, HMUSAH has 32 PhD programs, one clinical medicine postdoctoral program, one clinical pharmacy postdoctoral program, 31 Ministry of Health certificated specialist training bases, 4 key national clinical specialties, one candidate national key program, 11 provincial key programs, and 8 programs with positions for specially invited professors by the province, 4 courses with national quality, 2 national featured specialties and 2 national teaching achievements. The hospital undertakes clinical teaching in PhD, masters and undergraduate programs. The teaching building occupies an area of 5,200 m2, containing multimedia classrooms, audio-visual laboratories and a network classroom. The hospital invested enormously for the construction of a Clinical Simulation Teaching Center and trained standardized patients, which are extensively used in clinical teaching. In 2009 the hospital was designated as one of the approved national clinical teaching demonstration centers. There are also 14,000 m2 of building area for the accommodation of undergraduate and junior college students and 16,000 m2 for graduate students. Scientific research is emphasized in the hospital. Since 2001, the hospital has been granted 1,060 research funds, including one National Outstanding Young Scientist Fund, 86 projects of the National Natural Science Foundation. The hospital has been granted 200 awards of various levels for its scientific and technological achievements, of which were one national award and 104 ministerial or provincial awards. A total of 7,924 papers have been published in various academic journals, with 331 cited by SCI. HMUSAH has actively conducted international exchanges and kept a close friendship and research collaboration with 26 universities and hospitals in the world such as the University of Pittsburgh, the University of Miami and the University of Toronto. In the past decade, over 100 HMUSAH faculty members have trained just in the University of Pittsburgh, which has become a key training center abroad of the hospital. In the past few years, the hospital has invested a great deal in the reconstruction for better internal environment and external appearance. In 2008 the newly built outpatient building was put to use. In 2011, new science b and teaching building, cadres ward building, integrated ward building with a total of 170,000 m2 will be put into use. The hospital has become “hotel-like wards and garden-like yards”, a cozy and comfortable environment for patients. HMUSAH has been widely recognized for its advanced technologies and devoted services of its medical staff. Great attention was paid to the program of spreading science and technology, culture, and medical care to the farmers. Volunteer medical consultations were seen nearly everywhere in Heilongjiang Province. In 2010 the hospital also purchased the first "Car Hospital" in China. The hospital has been honored numerous awards from the State Council, the former National Labor and Personnel Ministry, the Ministry of Health and the Heilongjiang Provincial Government. It has been designated as one of the national “Best Hundred Hospitals”, “The National Outstanding Unit in Health Care”, one of the “Best Four Hundred Units for Environment in China”, and so on. The hospital has also been commended as “The Outstanding Unit” by the fourteen ministries of China for its great support to the rural area in science, culture and health care. Today’s HMUSAH has become a modern hospital for clinical services and medical teaching with comprehensive disciplines, advanced facilities, excellent techniques and beautiful environment. Looking into the future, we stick to the guideline of “quality to construct the hospital, innovation to run the hospital, talents to strengthen the hospital, and research-teaching to prosper the hospital. We will improve quality of medical services by adhering to the "patient-centered” concept, cultivating well-known specialist and increasing comprehensive strength to ensure sustainable development of the hospital. We will strive for a hospital which is first-class in China and well-known in the world.