周伟敏,男,硕士学历,毕业于中南大学湘雅医学院。现为南昌大学医学院在读博士。临床基础扎实,工作严谨,准确掌握着泌尿外科肿瘤的诊治标准。以作者身份在国外专业期刊发表SCI论文5篇。将帮助不同疾病患者个体化施治,包括肾癌、肾盂癌、肾上腺肿瘤、腹膜后肿瘤、膀胱癌、前列腺癌、前列腺增生、癌、睾丸肿瘤等。 附发表的期刊论文 (1) Zhou Weimin(#),Zhu Min,Gui Ming,Huang Lihua,Long Zhi,Wang Li,Chen Hui,Yin Yinghao,Jiang Xianzhen,Dai Yingbo,Tang Yuxin,He Leye,Zhong Kuangbiao,Peripheral blood mitochondrial DNA copy number is associated with prostate cancer risk and tumor burden.,PLoS One,2014.01.01,9(10):e109470~e109470 (2) Zhou Weimin(#),Zhong Kuangbiao,Wang Jingrong,Gu Yonghong,Huang Lihua,Jiang Zhiqiang,He Leye,Intestinal metaplasia of the renal pelvis: A case report and literature review.,Oncol Lett,2014.12.01,8(6):2664~2668 (3) Zhou Weimin(#),Gui Ming,Zhu Min,Long Zhi,Huang Lihua,Zhou Jun,He Leye,Zhong Kuangbiao,Nicotinamide N-methyltransferase is overexpressed in prostate cancer and correlates with prolonged progression-free and overall survival times.,Oncol Lett,2014.9.01,8(3):1175~1180 (4) Xie Xiao-Xu(#)(*),Zhou Wei-Min(#共同作者),Lin Fang,Li Xiao-Qing,Zhong Wen-Ling,Lin Shu-Guang,Li Wen-Yan,Chen Tie-Hui,Ye Ying,Hu Xiang-Ju,Lin Xi,Huang Shao-Fen,Lin Xiu-Quang,Yu Xiao-Jie,Fang Xin,Ischemic heart disease deaths, disability-adjusted life years and risk factors in Fujian, China during 1990-2013: Data from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013.,Int J Cardiol,2016.7.1,214:265~269