

  • 坐诊科室:普通外科
  • 擅长领域: 新医正骨技术治疗腰间盘突出,颈椎病,颈椎间盘突出,颈肩痛,关节炎,腱鞘炎,滑膜炎,神经痛,运动损伤康复,脊柱弯曲畸形矫正。带状疱疹神经痛,胸痛,腹痛,痛经等。运动指导,创伤后康复指导,康复训练指导以及效果评价。 微创介入及腔镜治疗甲状腺,肺大疱,肺气肿,气胸,胆结石,胆囊息肉,胆囊炎,痔疮,便血,肛裂,便血。中医正骨:腰间盘,坐骨神经痛,颈椎病,筋膜炎腱鞘炎等。包茎,包皮过长,副乳,腋嗅,乳腺增生,脂肪瘤、男性乳腺发育、肝血管瘤,前列腺,鞘膜积液,囊肿,胸腔镜腹腔镜微创治疗。脉管炎,静脉曲张,溃疡。宫颈靡烂,纳氏囊肿,痛经,月经不调。粉刺,痤疮,青春痘,牛皮癣。肿瘤中西医结合治疗。Orthopaedics an

马彩毓,男,副主任医师,硕士,从事临床工作26年。百年中医世家。 专长:1 新医正骨技术治疗腰间盘突出,腰腿疼痛,颈椎病,颈椎间盘突出,颈肩痛,胸背部疼痛,关节炎,腱鞘炎,滑膜炎,脊柱弯曲畸形矫正。带状疱疹神经痛,胸痛,腹痛,痛经等。风湿,类风湿性关节炎,痛风,糖尿病脉管炎,静脉炎慢性溃疡。一次见效,1周康复。1 Orthopaedics and Traumatology treatment of lumbar disc herniation, lumbar and leg pain, cervical spondylosis, cervical disc, neck pain, chest and back pain, arthritis, tenosynovitis, synovitis, spinal deformity correction. Postherpetic neuralgia, chest pain, abdominal pain, dysmenorrhea and the like. Rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, diabetes, vasculitis, phlebitis and chronic ulcers. Once effective, one week recovery.2 运动指导,运动损伤康复,创伤后康复指导,康复训练指导以及效果评价。 擅长胃肠疾病,肝胆外科疾病,胸腔镜,腹腔镜治疗胸腹部疾病。微创疼痛治疗。3 微痛不手术治疗痔疮、肛裂、脱肛。 motion guide, sports injury rehabilitation, post-traumatic rehabilitation guidance, rehabilitation guidance, and Evaluation. Specializes in gastrointestinal diseases, hepatobiliary surgical disease, thoracoscopy, laparoscopy treatment of thoracic and abdominal diseases. Minimally invasive pain treatment.4 微创治疗技术,甲状腺囊肿,甲状舌骨囊肿,肾囊肿,卵巢囊肿,宫颈纳氏囊肿微创治疗,脂肪瘤,副乳。不手术,微痛苦。脂肪瘤、腋臭、腐乳治疗。Minimally invasive treatment techniques, thyroid cyst, thyroid hyoid bone cysts, renal cysts, ovarian cysts, minimally invasive treatment of cervical Nessler cysts, lipomas, Furu. No surgery, no pain. Lipoma, underarm odor, fermented bean curd treatment no scars.5 泌尿生殖系统疾病:前列腺增生,前列腺炎,微痛治疗包皮过长包茎,尿道狭窄。 urogenital system diseases: benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostatitis, painless treatment of phimosis phimosis, urethral stricture.6 应用中医药治疗乳腺小叶增生,痛经,月经不调。6 application of Chinese medicine treatment of breast lobular hyperplasia, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation.7 掌握多种皮肤科疾病:牛皮癣,痤疮,粉刺,青春痘。 master a variety of skin diseases: psoriasis, acne, acne, acne.8 静脉曲张治疗不手术,痕,疼痛轻微。中医治疗脉管炎,可靠。 varicose vein treatment without surgery, without leaving scars, minor pain. Chinese medicine treatment of vasculitis, effective and reliable.9 中西医结合治疗肿瘤。免疫治疗肿瘤。 Integrative Medicine tumors. Immunotherapy of tumors.10 中西医结合治疗胸水,腹水,气胸,肺大疱病,肺气肿,疝气。Integrative Medicine pleural effusion, ascites, pneumothorax, pulmonary bullous disease, emphysema, hernia.

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