

  • 坐诊科室:神经内科
  • 擅长领域:癫痫和头痛的临床诊治

王玉,男,副主任医师,医学博士,安徽医科大学附属医院神经内科副主任,研究生导师,安徽省学术和技术带头人后备人选。主要从事癫痫和头痛的临床诊治和研究。目前主持的科学研究项目有包括自然科学基金在内的和省级科研项目多项。现任中华医学会神经病学分会青年委员、中华医学会安徽省神经病学分会常务委员、安徽省抗癫痫协会常务理事、华东地区临床神经电生理学会委员、安徽省临床神经电生理(癫痫和脑电图)学会常务委员和候任主任委员、美国神经科学会会员、安徽省睡眠研究会理事。发表癫痫和头痛相关文章30余篇,其中多篇SCI论文(国际核心期刊论文)。曾在美国维吉尼亚大学和美国国防医学科技大学工作和学习多年,从事神经再生和癫痫的博士后研究工作。 以通讯作者和作者发表的国际文章: 近年发表的主要学术论文(*表示通讯作者) 1.Li LY Yu CY Huang L and Wang Y*. A long-term limb-shaking transient ischemic attack responsive to nimodipine. Neurology Asia 2012 (In the press) 2.Zhu J Li JL Liu YM Han YY and Wang Y*. Unilateral headache with visual aura from a Wallenberg’s syndrome. CNS Neuroscience and Therapeutics. 2012 (In the press). 3.Wang Y* Liu PP Li LY Zhang HM and Li T. Hypothermia reduces brain edema spontaneous recurrent seizure attack and learning memory deficits in the kainic acid treated rats. CNS Neuroscience and Therapeutics. 2011 17(5): 271-280. 4.Wang Y* Yu CY Huang L Riederer F Ettlin D. Familial occipital neuralgia with sporadic NIN: a reply. Journal of Headache Pain. 2011 12(6):659. 5.Han YY Gui W Zhu J Liu YM Wang K and Wang Y*. Thunderclap headache triggered by micturition: responsive to nimodipine. Journal of Headache Pain. 2011 12(6):649-51. 6.Wang Y* Yu CY Huang L Riederer F Ettlin D. Familial neuralgia of occipital and intermedius nerves in a Chinese family. Journal of Headache Pain. 2011 12(4):497-500. 7.Tian Y Wei L Wang C Chen H Jin S Wang Y Wang K. Dissociation between visual line bisection and mental number line bisection in schizophrenia. Neuroscencei Letter. 2011 491(3):192-5. 8.Wang Y Symes AJ. Smad3 Deficiency Reduces Neurogenesis in Adult Mice. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience. 2010 41(3):383-96. 9.Wang H Katagiri Y McCann TE Unsworth E Goldsmith P Yu ZX Tan F Santiago L Mills EM Wang Y Symes AJ Geller HM. Chondroitin 4 sulfation negatively regulates axonal guidance and growth. Journal of Cell Science 2008 121:3083-91. 10.Wang Y Moges H Bharucha Y Symes A. Smad3 null mice display more rapid wound closure and reduced scar formation after a stab wound to the cerebral cortex. Experimental Neurology. 2007 203:168-84.

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