http://www.qm120.com2009-02-12 15:52:33 来源:全民健康网作者:
Every Batch of Dumex products tested by government agencies are qualified
We assure all Chinese consumers that Dumex products produced and sold in mainland China are safe for consumption. There is no evidence linking the allegations to Dumex products.
Dumex Baby Food Co. Ltd is aware of reports circulating in some media recently regarding Dumex products. We assure all consumers that Dumex products are safe for consumption.
We have full confidence in our products. Since the melamine crisis started, 2651 production batches of Dumex products dating back to April 2007 underwent sample testing by certified official laboratories. Results from these tests prove that Dumex products do not contain melamine and fully comply with China’s national standard.
Thereafter, and on an on-going basis, the relevant government regulatory agencies have monitored production on a daily basis by full-time on-site inspectors.
Dumex places highest importance on the quality of our products. All our products are produced with dairy-based ingredients from our globally selected suppliers, which are 100% imported. We also adhere to the highest standards of quality and food safety during manufacturing processes as acknowledged by local and international certifying bodies
We are grateful for the continuous support Chinese consumers have extended to Dumex and we wish to reassure them that this trust will continue to be corresponded via our highest regard to quality and consumer satisfaction.
For further information, please visit our website at www.dumex.com.cn to learn more about Dumex in China.
Dumex Baby Food Co Ltd
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